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- Principal's Report
- Religious Education
- Sports News
- Mt Carmel Awards - Week 8 & 9 Awards
- Extrusion Club
- Art Club
- Practising for Year 7 2025!
- Mt Carmel Working Bee
- Mt Carmel School Uniform Shop
- Mt Carmel Clothing Pool
- Guitar Lessons for 2024
- Drum Lessons
- CSPA Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning
- Yass Community Information & Service Hub
- Yass Landcare - Waterwatch & Habitat Hunt for Kids
- Poem Forest - Poetry Competition
- Catholic Women's Taskforce - Annual Dinner
- Free Autism Workshop - Young NSW
- Cooma Cottage - 200 Years of Celebration
- Yass Gymnastics - Games Night - Now 12 October!
- Yass Touch Gala Day Canteen Menu - This Friday
- Yass Junior Touch - Registration Now Open!
- Yass Netball Association - Summer Comp Registrations Now Open
- Yass Netball Association - Netball Clinic
- Spinifex Tennis - Colourball Tennis Clinic
- Yass Valley Junior Cricket - Registration Now Open!
- Free Junior Cricket Holiday Clinic
- Yass Junior Rugby Club - Holiday Camp
- Yass Gymnastics - Spring School Holiday Program
- Gunning Library - Holiday Activities
- Cartooning Camps - School Holidays
- Holiday Happenings
Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,
Open Classrooms
A reminder to all families of our Open Classrooms this afternoon between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. Please be mindful that, although your child’s teacher will be in the classroom and is very happy to chat with you, open classrooms are not the appropriate forum for individual parent-teacher interviews. Parents are always welcome to make an individual appointment with their child’s teacher any time they would like to discuss their child’s progress.
Sacrament of Confirmation
My sincere congratulations to the 12 Year 6 students and parishioners who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, taking a bold step towards a more adult faith, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to the parish Sacramental Team for the significant work involved in helping children and their families prepare for this important day. A special personal thanks, as well, to Aurora Irwin, Scarlett Klemmer, Bee Barker, Mila Boyton, Ellie Carroll, Gabe Dunstan and Jessica Hardy, who gave up part of their Sunday to help with the Music Ministry.
NSW Children’s Week Art Competition
For those looking for a creative activity to pass some time in the school holidays, the Children’s Week Art Competition could be for you! The Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People together with the NSW Children’s Week Council is inviting entries for the NSW Children’s Week 2024 Art Competition. The competition is open to all children and young people up to the age of 18 living in NSW. It’s not about being a good artist, it’s about finding inspiration and sharing your voice through art. Group entries are allowed and encouraged. To enter, children and young people are invited to submit an artwork that shows the ways they connect and love the environment around them. Entries close on Sunday 13 October and need to be submitted online at the following address:
There are cash prizes for first, second and third place. Full details about the competition can be found by following the above link to the Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People’s website.
Poem Forest Competition
And on a similar theme, the Poem Forest competition closes this Friday. Budding wordsmiths are invited to enter a 20-line Nature poem to go in to the running for over $5000 in prizes. All valid entries will be published, and Poem Forest will plant a tree for every submission received. Details can be found later in this newsletter.
CSPA Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning
Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) are collaborating with the University of New England (UNE) to conduct a national study on student wellbeing and learning.
They are aiming to collect evidence through a survey from a broad sample of parents and carers of children attending Catholic schools in Australia.
The survey will be open until the end of October. Results will be used to report to the Federal Government and Catholic Education.
There is a flyer attached to this newsletter with further information about this important study, or you can use the following link to find out more.
NSW Touch Football Association Gala Day
A reminder that the Touch Football Gala Day, which was postponed from the start of the term because of wet weather, has been rescheduled for this Friday 27 September, the last day of Term 3.
All students from Year 3 to Year 6 will be particpating in the day. We will be walking to Walker Park after morning assembly and returning in time for the usual end-of-day routine. There is no cost to students to participate.
Students should wear their sports uniform, including their hat, and bring recess, lunch and a water bottle. A canteen will also be operating. You can view the canteen menu further in the newsleter.
Although we do not require parent helpers, parents are welcome to attend as spectators (the first game commences at 10am and the last game will be concluded by 2:15pm).
The format of the day will be a round-robin, with straight 15-minute games (no half-time). Teams will get to play 4-5 games each across the day. Scores will not be kept; the focus of the day will be on particpation, fun and skill development.
It is our expectation that, being a normal school day, all students will participate, but if you know that your child will be absent next Friday, please let their teacher know as soon as possible so that teams can be adjusted if needed.
Happy Holidays
This Friday is the last day of Term 3 for students. My sincere thanks to all teachers, students and families for a wonderful and hard-working term. I hope that everyone has a restful and enjoyable holiday break, that all who are travelling return safely home, and that everyone comes back to school refreshed and ready for a strong finish to the school year. Please note that students return for Term 4 on Tuesday 15 October in summer sports uniform.
May God’s peace be in your families,
Michael Green
Religious Education in the Classroom
Welcome to Week 10! Year 4 students are learning that healing and forgiveness nourish and strengthen faith by promising fulfilment of hopes and longings. 4 Gold examined the narrative structure of a selection of healing scripture passages using the strategy World of the Text.
4 Blue focused on defining the Sacraments into three categories: Initiation, Healing and Service.
Religious Life of Mt Carmel School
Dear Creator God, create in us a new sense of solidarity with the poor. Give us the courage to reach out to the excluded, the energy to walk with the lost and the words to encourage the lonely. May we pour out our lives in service. Unite us in faith, hope and love as we pray together.
Send your Holy Spirit to inspire and sustain us in our mission.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Archdiocesan Assembly
You are invited to take part in the Archdiocesan Assembly that will explore the theme ‘Come Holy Spirit’. This will focus on celebrating the Year of the Holy Spirit and exploring new opportunities for evangelisation and synodality in the life and mission of our local Church. This is a chance for all to gather, discuss and discern the Holy Spirit at work in our midst.
Where: Canberra + Narooma + Cooma + Young + Goulburn
When: Friday 18th October – Sunday 20th October 2024
Info: Detailed information, registration and formation materials available online at
St Augustine’s Parish New
Congratulations to the confirmandi who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday.
Children's Liturgy
Parish Mass
Click on this link for further details
Enjoy your week!
Eva Karakotas
Religious Education Coordinator
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Luke 1:26-28
Congratulations to all the Stage 2 and Stage 3 students who took part in the Todd Woodbridge cup this term. You were all fantastic ambassadors for the school and participated with great enthusiasm, well done!
Gecko Sport
Gecko Sport finishes up for the term on Friday but we were successful in winning another Sporting Schools grant for term 4 so Geoff will be back in the second half of the term to work with the primary students.
Boorowa Touch and Netball Carnival 2024
Our school will be participating in the Boorowa Touch and Netball Carnival next term. The format of the day will be a gala day with schools playing in a round-robin competition.
Date: Friday 25 October 2024 (Friday Week 2, Term 4)
Venue: Boorowa Showgrounds, Ballyryan Road, Boorowa.
Transportation: By private car.
Cost: $5.00 per student to cover team registration.
There will be a canteen operating at the fields and qualified First Aid trained people will be present during the day. All players will compete in their Mt Carmel sport uniform.
The Touch teams will consist of 10 players per team (7 on the field) and the Netball teams will consist of 10 players per team (7 on the field and maximum 3 boys per team). Students will compete in their year groups from Year 2 to Year 6.
It is an expectation that all Year 2-6 students attend the event. Teachers have organised students into mixed year-level teams according to their preferred sport. Although it is an expectation that students attend, if you know your child will be absent on the day, please let their class teacher know so that they can plan accordingly. We will require referees, scorers and coaches for the day, if you are able to assist, please fill out the Google form below.
Boorowa Touch and Netball Google form
Please note that, because of the number of students attending the day, we need to rely on parents making their own transport arrangements. For families who have not attended the Boorowa carnival before, it has traditionally been a great community (and social) event for parents as well as students. Of course there are always parents who are not able to attend and, in that case, arrangements are typically made for their child to travel with a friend's parent. If you require assistance organising transport for your child, please contact the school office as soon as possible.
Please also note that, because of the volume of traffic heading to Boorowa, it is wise to plan for delays and leave ample time for travel.
Payment of $5 to cover registrations can now be made through Compass
Ted Dunstan
Sports Coordinator
Mt Carmel Awards - Week 8 & 9 Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of the Week 8 Mt Carmel Awards.
These awards were handed out last Friday, 20 September, at morning assembly.
K Blue Lillian Dryburgh Charlotte Kunneke |
K Gold Anna Leighton Acacia Aniversario |
1 Green Eliza Henshall William Gillies |
1 Red Gigi Aniversario Arabella Merriman |
2 Blue Zoe Di Sisto Eli Driver |
2 Gold Rosalind Clark Evie Mitchell Elisabeth Morris Sasha Ramadan Rafaela Tapia-Jeffrey Charlie Butt Archer Jones Theodore Ward |
3 Green Ivy Warboys Oliver Irwin Harvey Matthews |
3 Red Chenuth Silva William Walsh Blake Eldridge |
4 Blue Jessica Hardy Cooper Moses Charley Shoring |
4 Gold Vincent Da Deppo Rowan Kelly-Clark |
5 Green Alice Miller Molly-Ann Howarth Rory Doyle Xaview Arnold |
5 Red Chevie Stansfield Riley Pholi Conor Guiney |
6 Blue Charlie Field Phoenix Streatfeild Hunter Cullen |
6 Gold Chloe Corcroan Jack Butt Arlie Daly |
These awards will be handed out this Friday, 27 September, at morning assembly.
K Blue Naomi Mathew Peter Gorman |
K Gold Ivie Denny Sebastian Sadlowski |
1 Green Mia Brown Halle Davaris Aurora Irwin Mila Boyton Scarlett Klemmer |
1 Red Evelyn Harris Brock Flynn Brax Howard |
2 Blue Benedicta Barker Hugh Davaris Harry Agostino William Rothwell |
2 Gold Elsie Townsend Noah Hamilton |
3 Green Elsa Baptiste Harriet Powell Jax Cassidy |
3 Red Chloe Tyndall Olivia Aksenov |
4 Blue Claire Coster Jessica Hardy Jasper Jones |
4 Gold Lucy Pearce Gabe Dunstan Jake MacDonald |
5 Green Jaxon Field Beau Jones Lachlan Inkster |
5 Red Mabel Adie Isla Townsend |
6 Blue Amber Watson Isabella Soeira Mendonca Lewis Mattews |
6 Gold Ellie Carroll Rory McCall Henry Gooley Justice-Jay Elliott-Miners |
Extrusion Club has continued throughout the term with the assistance of many eager volunteers from K-6 who gave up their lunch time to produce bag tags. Bag tags are still on sale at the front office for $3. We hope to add some extra products to the line-up next term. We have been experimenting with using a sandwich press to melt HDPE which we then mould and shape into different shapes. If anyone has a working toaster oven they do not use anymore and would like to donate it to Extrusion Club, we would be most appreciative. We will use the oven to keep melted plastic warm until it is ready to mould. We have also applied for another grant this year that, if successful, we will put towards the purchase of a plastic shredder. Watch this space!
To see it in action, go to:
We still need lots of LDPE and HDPE lids, so keep them coming in please! Look for these symbols on the inside of the lid.
Ted Dunstan
Please note that our Medium Hats are currently out of stock, an order has been placed, but we are just waiting on its arrival. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Ordering Options - Uniform orders can be placed online via Qkr! or by order form, which can be collected and paid for from the front office.
All Qkr! orders placed before 2pm each Thursday will be bundled up and sent home with your child on Friday afternoon. Order Forms can be collected from the front office if needed.
Please note that if the incorrect size/item is ordered or the size selected does not fit correctly, please return the item along with a note regarding changes required to the front office, so the correct size/item can be sent home.
Any profit made from the clothing pool will be directly donated to the Vinnies Food appeal generally held twice a year.
If you have any questions, please contact Liz on
Has your child ever thought about playing guitar?
Spaces are now avalable for 2024. Fill in the below form and drop back to the office to secure your place with Den.
Private in-school lessons are offered by Gerard Noonan in Xylophone, Music Composition and/ or Drums from term 4.
Mr Noonan has completed major studies in Music Composition, Tuned/untuned percussion, Jazz performance & is a registered Creative Kids Provider.
Ph: 0408 622 819
Yass Landcare - Waterwatch & Habitat Hunt for Kids
We are excited to invite your school community to a fantastic hands-on events with Yass Landcare that will inspire creativity, curiosity, and a deeper connection to our local environment.
Waterwatch and Habitat Hunt - Sunday 13 October 10:30am – 12:30pm, Flat Rock Crossing, Riley Terrace
Dive into the fascinating world of our local river ecosystems with the Waterwatch and Habitat Hunt! Students will explore what’s in and around the Yass River and discover the creatures that call it home, all while learning about how to care for and protect these important habitats.
Full details and registration links can be found here - Waterwatch & Habitat Hunt.
This event is designed to be interactive and engaging for all ages, making it ideal for primary school aged children. If you’d like any more information on any of the above please feel free to reach out via email at and we look forward to seeing your students for a day of creativity, exploration, and connection with nature!
Yass Area Network of Lancare Groups (YAN)
Free Autism Workshop - Young NSW
We invite parents, grandparents and fulltime (unpaid) carers of autistic children to join us to learn about autism and ways to strengthen home-school partnerships. We often have parents/carers of pre-school aged children attend our workshops, particularly if their child is transitioning to school in the next year or two.
Please find further details about the workshop on our website and in the flyer attached.
Contact Trish on 0424 254 861 if you have any questions.
Yass Netball Association - Summer Comp Registrations Now Open
Junior registration (Age 11-15/Years 5-9) -
Yass Netball Association - Netball Clinic
Join former Australian Diamond Susan Pettitt for the school holidays at the Yass Netball Courts! Learning new skills and drills and having fun with your mates.
The 3 hour clinic will go through a number of stations, working through all the skills required for netball; footwork, ball-skills, attacking and defence all while having a great time!
Cartooning Camps - School Holidays
Monday September 30th - Friday October 4th
Queanbeyan Guide Hall, 32 Erin Street, Queanbeyan NSW
Go to Click on the colourful Cartoon Camp button in the middle of the home page. Select your location ----------.
Complete the on-line form & payment. If Using Active creative kids voucher, please call 02 9343 0833
Early Bird
Book 4 Long Days (Select Monday-Thursday Not Friday) before Monday September 2nd
by 4.30pm & we will give you the Friday for Free, Saving $55 Per child.
We look forward to welcoming back.