Take a Virtual Tour of Mt Carmel School
Watch a welcome message from our School Captains, then scroll down this page to have a look around some different parts of our school.
Mt Carmel School is situated in the heart of historic Yass, just one block back from the main street. We have a proud history of providing a Catholic Education to the children of Yass and the surrounding districts, with the earliest record of a school on the site dating back to 1845.
Community spirit is strong at Mt Carmel School. We recognise the importance of our relationship with others and celebrate our long and diverse history. As a school, there are many special days we acknowledge with liturgies and prayer services, and we celebrate the Sacraments together with St Augustine's parish. We proudly march in the ANZAC Day parade every year and humbly recognise what we owe to those who have served our country. We have a calling to serve others, too, and support a range of local, national and international charities. Families are always welcome in our school and we value opportunities to gather and share our learning.

We've got lots of space to play, including equipment and sandpits for Infants and Primary, Sports Courts for netball, basketball, tennis and cricket, and a well-maintained school oval.
An active and healthy lifestyle is important at Mt Carmel, and there are representative pathways for many different sports.

Our whole school gathers under the shadecloth each morning to share our school prayer, recognise each other's birthdays and hear morning announcements.
The Creative and Performing Arts allow students to develop valuable skills of self-expression and critical reflection. Mt Carmel has a dedicated Art Room; our students create and exhibit magnificent artworks and sculptures; we have an annual school-wide celebration of the Arts in MADD Night (Music, Art, Dance and Drama); a variety of visiting artists and performers bring us wonderful incursions, concerts and workshops; and we regularly perform in Wakakirri at the Canberra Theatre.

The Convent Courtyard is a beautiful and serene focal point in our school.
Every student at Mt Carmel School has a Japanese lesson each week. We learn about the language and culture, and once a term we even do Japanese cooking!

The Lacey Library is named for Mr Lacey, the first recorded teacher on the Mt Carmel School site, around 1845. Every class has a Library lesson each week and can borrow books to take home. The Library is open every day at lunch time for students who like to read, draw, use the computers or just spend quiet time inside with their friends.
If you want to find out more about Mt Carmel School, use the link below to make an enquiry or to book a face-to-face school tour.
If you are ready to enrol, use the link below to access the online enrolment form.