
Many activities at our school require parental involvement, which we see as being of great assistance to our students. To help us provide the best possible education for your children, your involvement as parents is always welcome.

Help can be in many forms:

At home:

  • helping children come to know and love God our Creator; by taking children to mass for sacraments,
  • ensuring that homework is being completed;
  • ensuring that your child is happy at school;
  • ensuring that your child is reading and/or being read to each night (or regularly) and enjoying it; and talking with your child about school (highlighting the positive aspects).

At school:

  • participating in the Sacramental program;
  • assisting the class with reading, craft, computer work, typing stories, or any area of the curriculum that you enjoy or have competency in;
  • assisting when transport is required;
  • attending Working Bees;
  • attending Community Council meetings twice a year;
  • support and attendance at school functions;
  • offering to serve a term on the Community Council;
  • offering to help in our canteen;
  • offering to assist the Classroom Support teacher by becoming Parent Reading Tutors at the school.

Parents' participation in the life of the school community is strongly invited and warmly welcomed at all levels.

2024 School Fees

Tuition Fee        $375 per family per term
(Determined annually by Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn)

Mt Carmel Levies 
(Determined annually by the Mt Carmel School Community Council)

Student Resource Levy      $58.75 per student per term

School Resource Levy        $338 per family per term

Technology Levy               $47.25 per student per term

Examples of Term Fee Charges

Primary Fees for 2024      $819 per term for a single student or $63.00 per week (based on 52 weeks)

The Catholic Education Commission (CEC) offers a the following discounts to the Primary Tuition Fee based on the number of children in the family:

  • 40% discount on the Primary Tuition Fee if a sibling attends another Archdiocesan (ACT or NSW) secondary systemic school
  • No charge for a 4th or subsequent child attending a primary, central or secondary school

Mt Carmel School has a particular responsibility to welcome, accept and support those who are poor, marginalised and in most need. Our conviction is that no student will be refused enrolment or be disadvantaged because of an inability on the part of parents/guardians to meet financial requirements. Fee remissions are offered in cases of financial hardship. Parents may apply for a fee remission by contacting the School Principal or Bursar. All applications are treated in the strictest confidence.

Please find attached a letter containing information regarding school fees and possible financial assistance. A copy of this correspondence has also been placed on the school website on the Forms and Documets page. 


Mt Carmel Playgroup meets Thursday Mornings at 9am - 11am at the front room of the PAC (off Dutton St). Cost: $3 for the first child, $1 for subsequent children in your family.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop will be open each Thursday from 2.30pm to 4.00pm. All Qkr! orders placed before 2pm on Thursday, will be bundled up and sent home with your child on Friday afternoon.


The canteen is open each Thursday and Friday. Lunch orders are avialble to order and pay via Qkr! and must be placed by 9am each canteen morning. Orders can also be placed by writing child’s name, class and order on bag and place money inside bag. It is then placed into the childs class lunch tub and delivered to the canteen each canteen morning. 

Sight Words

If you wish to see or print the High Frequency Sight Words (Set 1-15), please see below.